Saturday 7 September 2013

Deep English

Deep English is a website that I would like to recommend to you. Sign up for the free course and you will receive emails with listening comprehension and reading texts.  I like it because you can choose the speeds of the text. Tell me what you think.

Friday 16 August 2013

Something I wanted to share with you....

I was sent this video on Facebook and I was so impressed with what Ashton had to say.  If I could say something to you as you begin your school year this would be it.  If only we all understood this, the world would definitely be a better place.  Watch this clip and listen to him really closely.

Have a wonderful year and let me know what you think.

Love Ros

Monday 1 October 2012

A fat chance and a slim chance

Even though English is my language I am often surprised by the amount of information that I don't know!!  This is usually pointed out to me by the questions that I am asked to which I often don't have the answer to hand.  I was recently asked the following questions: What is a fat chance?  What is a slim chance?  Do they mean the same thing?  

Well, fat and slim are opposites, aren't they?  So, it would be an obvious thing to assume that these two phrases don't mean the same, but they do.  I know that because, well because I do.  But, how does one explain this?  So, I decided to do a little research and this is what I came up with. 

When you use the phrase "fat chance", you are usually saying it with some kind or sarcasm in your voice.  You don't expect to win or achieve your goal. You really don't expect it to happen at all.

On the other hand a "slim chance" is not said sarcastically.  I would say it is said with a more pessimistic view point.  And, there is actually a very small chance of achieving what you set out to do.  

So, there you have it.  Two phrases that almost mean the same thing but if said with the correct tone of voice actually do mean something different.

I hope that you enjoyed today's ramblings.
I'll be back soon with some more.

Friday 28 September 2012

How to make tea

Here's a wonderul blog that I found that really appeals to me.
Anglophiles United - Home
Having lived abroad for so long, I thoroughly enjoy hearing the British accent whether it be walking through the shopping mall in my local town, sitting in a local restaurant or just watching Sky News on t.v. There is something about the British accent that makes me smile and reminisce about home.

Just click on this link and learn all about making that good old cup of tea.

So, that's it for today. I hope you enjoy your tea and biscuits this afternoon.
Love Ros